Bureau "en pente" Louis XV in rosewood and rosewood, with a hinged lid, which re…

Bureau "en pente" Louis XV in rosewood and rosewood, with a hinged lid, which reveals a series of mahogany drawers and compartments inside. Handles and lock escutcheons in gilt bronze. France, 18th ce…

路易十五的红木和紫檀木的 "en pente "办公室,有一个铰链盖子,可以看到里面有一系列的桃花心木抽屉和隔间。鎏金铜的手柄和锁扣。 法国,S. XVIII 尺寸为100 x 47 x 91厘米


Bureau "en pente" Louis XV in rosewood and rosewood, with a hinged lid, which reveals a series of mahogany drawers and compartments inside. Handles and lock escutcheons in gilt bronze. France, 18th century

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