A collection of three Chinese glazed pottery bowls, Song and Ming style, H 4,5 -…

A collection of three Chinese glazed pottery bowls, Song and Ming style, H 4,5 - 5 - ø 10 - 12 cm

三件中国釉陶碗,宋和明风格,高4,5 - 5 - ø 10 - 12厘米 宋式钧瓷碗,高5厘米 一件青瓷碗,可能是明代的,高 - ø 厘米 釉里红建窑碗,可能为宋式,高ø cm


A collection of three Chinese glazed pottery bowls, Song and Ming style, H 4,5 - 5 - ø 10 - 12 cm

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