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康威(马丁爵士,简介)《遗产》八十四幅摄影版画,由沙皇陛下授权直接从圣彼得堡皇室画廊的原画中复制出来,由柏林摄影公司出版,伦敦,19世纪末,全红摩洛哥装订,在中央的俄罗斯帝国纹章周围有工具式镀金花边;同时还有《普拉多博物馆的杰作》,一百一十幅摄影版。..... in the National Gallery at Madrid, published by the Berlin Photographic Company, London, similarly bound in red Morocco with a central gilt Spanish Coat of Arms (2) Provenance Alfred de Rothschild (1842-1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882-1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916-2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Literature Rothschild Archive, London, Manualcript:000/174/C/3,Christie, Manson & Woods对 "Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq.的遗产的遗嘱评估。C.V.O.去世,Halton House Tring"。1918.列为 "普拉多博物馆10.0.0英镑和冬宫博物馆10.0.0英镑"。

wiltshire, 英国