Giovanni Battista Cipriani (Florence 1727 - Hammersmith and Fulham 1785), Satyr …

Giovanni Battista Cipriani (Florence 1727 - Hammersmith and Fulham 1785), Satyr playing the Pan flute under the bust of the poet Martial, 1783

Giuspanio Graglia,Val.Martial, London 1783'; 图形取自Giovanni Battista Cipriani的作品,底部刻有'G.B. Cipriani Del.t - F. Bartolozzi Sculp.t' - Publ.d as the Act dizects 14, the December 1783, by G. Graglia London', present flaws, unframed 铜版画,尺寸6.2x3.7英寸。


Giovanni Battista Cipriani (Florence 1727 - Hammersmith and Fulham 1785), Satyr playing the Pan flute under the bust of the poet Martial, 1783

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