Plan and bird's-eye view of the city of Cuzco, Peru second half of the 19th cent…

Plan and bird's-eye view of the city of Cuzco, Peru second half of the 19th century

图形作品取自秘鲁数学家马特奥-帕斯-索尔丹(1812年-利马1857年)的《秘鲁地理》卷。Obra Postuma del D. D. Mateo Paz Soldan"。这张纸的顶部刻有 "帕斯-索尔丹-秘鲁地理图",底部刻有 "Grabado por Declamare calle S.t André des arts 45 Paris - Paris。Imp.Janson & Dubois - Cuzco古代平面图,根据16世纪的木板抓图,在征服后不久的时间内'。有瑕疵,未装裱的纸上石版画,尺寸为20.4x14.5英寸。


Plan and bird's-eye view of the city of Cuzco, Peru second half of the 19th century

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