Null Lot in gold 750, platinum 850 and silver 800 thousandths, composed of 8 tie…

Lot in gold 750, platinum 850 and silver 800 thousandths, composed of 8 tie pins enhanced with turquoise cabochons, a cultured pearl and half pearls, 3 wedding rings, 2 pairs earrings, a pendant, a chain and a spring ring clasp (in state) Gold 750的毛重:29.90 g。铂金850的毛重:2.10克。银800的毛重:4.70克。一对金属枕木被连接起来。


Lot in gold 750, platinum 850 and silver 800 thousandths, composed of 8 tie pins enhanced with turquoise cabochons, a cultured pearl and half pearls, 3 wedding rings, 2 pairs earrings, a pendant, a chain and a spring ring clasp (in state) Gold 750的毛重:29.90 g。铂金850的毛重:2.10克。银800的毛重:4.70克。一对金属枕木被连接起来。

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