Pair of miniatures of the Bolognese senator Girolamo II Ranuzzi, Count of Porret…

Pair of miniatures of the Bolognese senator Girolamo II Ranuzzi, Count of Porretta, and his wife Marie Françoise d'Alsace de Henin-Lietard. Bologna 18th century

博洛尼亚参议员Girolamo II Ranuzzi,Porretta伯爵,和他的妻子Marie Françoise d'Alsace de Henin-Lietard的微型画一对。博洛尼亚 18世纪 配有漂亮的同时期雕刻和镀金的木框 尺寸为5.9x4.5英寸,每个都有。


Pair of miniatures of the Bolognese senator Girolamo II Ranuzzi, Count of Porretta, and his wife Marie Françoise d'Alsace de Henin-Lietard. Bologna 18th century

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