Attribuito ad Alessandro MAGANZA (1556-1630) 
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Cathe…

Attribuito ad Alessandro MAGANZA (1556-1630)

The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine in the Presence of Saint Bernardino of Siena Pen, brown ink, brown wash on counter-collated paper Attribué à Alessandro MAGANZA (1556-1630) Le mariage mystique de sainte Catherine et saint Bernardino de Sienne Plume, encre brune, lavis brun sur papier contrecollé H_16.8 cm L_13.8 cm Old attribution to Pietro Sorri Provenance:1761年,巴黎,Hyacinthe Collin de Vermont拍卖会,可能是第34号的一部分。


Attribuito ad Alessandro MAGANZA (1556-1630)

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