GLI Certified Natural Citrine Gemstone 3.00 ct. And GJSPC Certified Natural Opal…

GLI Certified Natural Citrine Gemstone 3.00 ct. And GJSPC Certified Natural Opal Gemstone 2.30 ct.

切割黄水晶:椭圆形混合, 切割蛋白石:椭圆凸圆形, 黄水晶的颜色:黄色, 彩色蛋白石:白色, 重量 黄水晶: 3.00 ct.(9.80 x 7.80 x 6.00 mm), 蛋白石重量:2.30 ct.(12.92 x 9.34 x 2.90 mm), 证书编号黄水晶:2102111130633, 证书编号蛋白石。CSN036912。


GLI Certified Natural Citrine Gemstone 3.00 ct. and GJSPC Certified Natural Opal Gemstone 2.30 ct.

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