Lot comprising silver necklace with pendant and a dome ring - 925/1000 and 835/1…

Lot comprising silver necklace with pendant and a dome ring - 925/1000 and 835/1000.

项链925/1000,吊坠835/1000,镂空刺叶(制造商标记:J.M. & H.R. Bijkamp, Steenwijk, The Netherlands, 1942 / 1943),戒指835/1000,带有优雅的雕刻。戒指尺寸:18.75毫米/59毫米。项链长。51厘米,长x宽吊坠。6.6 x 5.6厘米。重量:24.8克。


Lot comprising silver necklace with pendant and a dome ring - 925/1000 and 835/1000.

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