14K. White gold openwork Art Deco brooch set with rose cut diamonds and onyx. 印章…

14K. White gold openwork Art Deco brooch set with rose cut diamonds and onyx.

印章:585。配有16颗玫瑰式切割钻石(直径2x约4.0毫米,2x约2.7毫米,2x约2.1毫米和10x约1.7毫米)和12颗刻面黑玛瑙(12x约3.5 x 1.2毫米)。清晰度。SI,颜色:H-I。两颗钻石有一个小缺口。长x宽:3.1 x 1.6米。重量:4.86克。


14K. White gold openwork Art Deco brooch set with rose cut diamonds and onyx.

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