Hergé & - Tintin Pirate The Secret of Unicorn, Le Soir 1942 version, TL no. 26, …

Hergé & - Tintin Pirate

The Secret of Unicorn, Le Soir 1942 version, TL no. 26, red cloth back, sd, Pirate; The Treasure of Rackham the Red, Le Soir 1943 version, TL no. 26, red cloth back, sd, Pirate; In the Land of Black Gold, Le Petit XX° 1939-40 version, TL no. 26, red cloth back, sd, Pirate; The Mysterious Star, Le Soir 1942 version, TL no. 26, red cloth back, sd, Pirate红布背面,黑色,海盗;Les 7 boules de cristal, Version Journal, TL num. 26 ex., Red cloth back, sd, Pirate; Tintin et le mystère de la Toison d'Or, TL num. 25 ex,红布背,sd,Karexport;Au pays des Soviets,TL编号400份,蓝布背,sd-1980,ABE;De Bucquoy, en Flamand, Een sex parodie op Kuifje,sd,Bastaard Uit, Parodie,TBE。一套8个


Hergé & - Tintin Pirate

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