Prophecy and Apocalypse. SWEDENBORG. Du dernier jugement et de la Babylone detru…

Prophecy and Apocalypse. SWEDENBORG. Du dernier jugement et de la Babylone detruite.

SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. Du dernier jugement et de la Babylone detruite. Londres, Bureau Typ. Nouv. Eglise, 1787 2 tomes in a volume in 8vo, 208x125 mm, full calf binding. Gilt title and ornaments on spine. 1 plate engraved before the titlepage depicting a base surmounted bya a shield with on the bottom an ovine e the signature "Jehovah", while over the shield a latin phrase: Dominus ipse providebit. Engraved frontispiece by Pernotin on Martin's drawing with the portrait of the author. Woodcut ornaments. Waterstain in the first part but overall a nice specimen.


Prophecy and Apocalypse. SWEDENBORG. Du dernier jugement et de la Babylone detruite.

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