lunedì 29 lug a : 14:00 (BST)

Auction No. 3 - A Rare and Important Collection of Autographs and Memorabilia: Science, Literature, Art, Music, and History

L'Autographe Auctions - +4420.353.503.63 - Email

13 Hanover Square W1S 1HN Mayfair, London, Regno Unito
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356 risultati

Lotto 203 - ALBONI PEPOLI Marietta (1826 - 1894) ALBONI PEPOLI Marietta (1826 - 1894) OPERA - ALBONI PEPOLI Marietta (1826 - 1894) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Paris 23 D.bre 57” by the Italian contralto. After she achieved her diploma and made a modest debut in Bologna, in 1842, as "Climene" in Pacini's “Saffo”, she obtained a triennial engagement thanks to Rossini's influence on the impresario Bartolomeo Merelli, Intendant at both Milan's Teatro alla Scala and Vienna's Imperial Kärntnertortheater. The favourable contract was signed by Rossini himself. Later, in 1846–47, she toured the principal cities of Central Europe, finally reaching London and Paris, where she settled permanently. Addressed to a lady, regret to decline the invitation to participate in a singing performance: “…Puisque vous vous interessée au pauvres vosu deves êtres bonne et vous pourez comprendre mon regrét d’être obligée de donner une reponse negative à Votre amaible lettre. Jugez-vous même Madame, qu’il y a un moi que je chante au théâtre italien, et déjà j’ai réçu 11 lettres de la même nature que la Votre, et pareillement écrites par des personnes très distingués et qu’il n’aurait été agréable d’obliger, mais vu le nombre de demandes il m’est absolument impossible d’y adherer…”. 2 pp. In-8. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 150 - 180 GBP

Lotto 207 - ANITÚA Fanny (1887 - 1968) ANITÚA Fanny (1887 - 1968) OPERA - ANITÚA Fanny (1887 - 1968) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Roma 1/10/933” by the Mexican contralto opera singer. Anitùa initially studied singing in her native city, moving afterward to Mexico City, and later to Rome. She debuted at Teatro Nazionale in Rome in 1910, singing the role of Orfeo from the eponymous Christoph Willibald Gluck opera. She often sang at Teatro alla Scala in Milan, especially in Sigfried (1910–11 season), Etra in the first edition of Ildebrando Pizzetti's Fedra (1914–15 season), Konciakovna in Borodin's Prince Igor (1915–16 season), and besides Gluck's Orfeo, Giuseppe Verdi's Il Trovatore and Un Ballo in Maschera (1923–26 seasons). Addressed to Mr. Fabbroni: “…Desidererei molto tornare a cantare alla Scala dove feci il mio debutto; sono in ottime condizioni di voce come lo poté costatare il pubblico milanese quando ultimamente cantai all’Arena nel Trovatore col Carro di Tespi. Cosa posso fare per rientrare in cotesto Teatro? Sia gentile di volermi dire se c0è una probabilità di cantare al meno una delle mie opere…”. 1 p. ½. In-8. Between page 1 and 2, is inscribed in blue pencil: Sig.ra Fanny Come Lei saprà il nostro … e da vario tempo ultimato ed è con dispiacere che non possiamo valerci della sua validissima cooperazione…”. 1 p. in-obl. Included: typed letter signed, dated “Milano, 5 Ottobre 1933 - A: XI” addressed to the contralto: “…A pregiata Sua lettera I° corr.– Come Lei saprà, il nostro Programma è da vario tempo ultimato, ed è con dispiacere che non possiamo valerci della Sua validissima cooperazione…”. ½ p. In-4. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 150 - 200 GBP

Lotto 239 - CHALIAPIN Marina Fedorovna (1912 - 2009) CHALIAPIN Marina Fedorovna (1912 - 2009) OPERA - CHALIAPIN Marina Fedorovna (1912 - 2009) - Autograph diary Autograph diary of the actress, daughter of the famed Russian bass Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin. The text, in English, French, Russian, and Italian, spans the period from March 15, 1935 to April 16, 1936. It contains personal notes, reflections, travel accounts (from Italy, Austria, and France) and describes meetings with personages of culture and music, including Arturo Toscanini and Tito Schipa. On December 3, 1935, she writes: "If I am to write about the wonderful evening spent at Wl. Horowitz concert I will have to write a different kind of diary, with details. But I spent it with Maestro Toscanini, and we talked a great deal and he said to me, standing behind the closed stage door together, where he escaped from photographers dragues me after him, he said "Cara Marina" and then che bella che sei! And that is a lovely compliment from such a man...". On February 7, 1936, from the film studios in Tirrenia (Italy), she notes: "Signed first contract in lifetime...". The last pages (written in reverse) contain some addresses, a draft letter to Ernest Hemingway and some reflections. Total of 96 unnumbered pages, in-8. Original binding with brown velvet cover (some spine damages, needs restoration), marbled endpapers. Included is an autograph letter signed, dated Dimanche 25 juin (1933), addressed to tenor Tito Schipa: "Je suis encore à Paris qui est très gaie en ce moment et je ne sais pas quand je te verrai toi aussi. Si tu viens à Paris tu es un amour et telephone moi tout de suite. On se verra quand tu voudras. Je veux tant te parler...". 3 pages, in-8, in French, on bifolio, on a letterhead paper. Pencil note: "Never received"."

Stima 700 - 850 GBP

Lotto 258 - GIACHETTI-CARUSO - Autograph letters signed, partially printed document signed GIACHETTI-CARUSO - Autograph letters signed, partially printed document signed OPERA - GIACHETTI-CARUSO - Autograph letters signed, partially printed document signed - Lot of 9 autograph letters Lot of 9 autograph letters and one partially printed official document by the family Giachetti-Caruso. Autograph letters of the soprano (2) Ada (1873 - 1946), her sister (5) Rina Giachetti (1880 - 1959), (1) Giuseppina Giachetti-Guidalotti (mother of the two singers), (1) Rodolfo Caruso (1898-1951). A document signed by Rina Giachetti and countersigned by the prime minister of Italy during WWI Antonio Salandra (1853 - 1931) stating that she participated to the “Prestito Nazionale di Guerra del MCMXVI”. For a total of 21 pp. in-4, in-8 and on postcard. We report a few extracts as samples. A. Rina to Ada. 31.05.1907: “…Vedo che hai una gran tristezza? Perché? Che cosa hai ? Tu invidi me e perché? Dici che ho una grande distrazione – la Carriera – è vero dà delle grandi soddisfazioni – ma non conti le contrarietà ? Le continue lotte – Non ci pensi - i palpiti, tutto quello che soffriamo alle recite? Vuoi forse paragonarla alla vita tranquilla della Casa della famiglia ? Ada mia non ti lamentare. Accogli la tua fortuna col sorriso e dalle la ben venuta…”. B. Ada to her mother Giuseppina. 12.1.1908: “…Dopo tanto tempo ti scrivo una letterina, non pensare che tu mi sia stata lontana dal cuore, ma in viaggio non avevo il tempo di farlo e qui nei giorni passati ho avuto tanto da fare per cercare la casa che tutto il giorno ero in giro. (…) Ho ricevuto oggi un telegramma dall’agente che ha spedito i … mi ha dato l’indirizzo dove devo rivolgermi per ritirarli…”. C. Rina to Enrico Caruso. n.d. “…Senti caro vuoi sapermi dire quali sono e dove sono gli oggetti antichi che il mio caro cugino mi ha fatto pagare ? Puoi domandare a Vecchiettini il conto che si è fatto pagare, e così potrai farmi sapere…”. ...

Stima 250 - 300 GBP

Lotto 269 - KASCHMANN Giuseppe (1850 - 1925) KASCHMANN Giuseppe (1850 - 1925) OPERA - KASCHMANN Giuseppe (1850 - 1925) - Lot of four autograph letters signed Lot of four autograph letters signed by the Austrian-Italian baritone. His first public performance occurred in Zagreb during 1869. Six years later he made his Italian operatic debut at Turin (in Gaetano Donizetti's La favorita). He reached the peak of his success as a singer in the 1880s and 1890s, building an international reputation (as Giuseppe Kaschmann) and performing at such important venues as the Bayreuth Festspielhaus in Germany (in 1892 and 1894) and the Metropolitan Opera in New York City (in 1883 and 1896), as well as continuing to appear at La Scala. All letters are addressed to the Italian marquise Angiolina Toscanelli Altoviti Avila (1859–d.) and relate to musical affairs, such as scheduled concerts organised by the Marquise in Florence. One envelope with autograph address is included. A. “Venezia 31 Marzo 1899”. “….Reduce dall’Egitto dopo la mia brillante stagione teatrale e memore della nostra conversazione tenuta a Firenze nell’Hotel Savoy, ho l’onore di mettermi a Sua disposizione per quanto Ella intendesse realizzare del piano di cui mi aveva fatto parola in quella circostanza…”. 1 p. ½ in-8. B. “Milano 14 ott 1899”. “…Se si fosse trattato di un corso di esecuzioni d’oratori od altro, credo che si sarebbe potuto realizzare l’idea della mia venuta a Firenze. Ma per un concerto non mi sembra siavi convenienza d’ambo le parti. Retribuirmi per una sola sera non varrebbe la pena ed assorbirebbe gran parte dell’introito, mentre d’altra parte io non potrei venire fino a Firenze a scopo puramente filantropico…”. 2 pp. In-8. C. “Milano 8 Marzo 1901”. “…Con piacere canterei la Cantata Biblica di Massenet…”. 1 p. ½ in-8. D. “Milano 8 Aprile 1901” “…Le date del Maggio da Lei indicatemi sono tuttora libere per me e quindi è possibile di combinare quei giorni…”. 2 pp. In-8. - ...

Stima 350 - 400 GBP

Lotto 288 - MAUREL Victor (1848 - 1923) MAUREL Victor (1848 - 1923) OPERA - MAUREL Victor (1848 - 1923) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Avril 25 1922” by the French baritone. He was particularly associated with the operas of Verdi and created leading characters in the premieres of the composer's final operas, as Iago in “Otello” (1887) and in the title role of “Falstaff” (1893). He was also known for his portrayal of Mozart's Don Giovanni, and won Wagner's praise for his performances in “Lohengrin”, “Tannhäuser” and “Der fliegende Holländer”. Addresses to the baritone Managing Director at Teatro alla Scala Angelo Scandiani (1872 - 1930), concerning the current 1921-1922 season at La Scala: “…laissez-moi vous dire combien j’ai été heureux d’apprendre de différentes sources que les grands efforts artistiques et administratifs fait par Toscanini e vous même, ont donné dans cette première saison des résultats exellents (…) En 1881, en effet, Verdi. La gloire musicale de l’Italie moderne assurait par sa présence et ses dernières oeuvres la stabilité du temple. Le grand homme disparu, vous et Toscanini en resurrectionez l’éclat (…) Voici maintenant l’objet de cette lettre: Mr. Jean Duval, un des rare professeurs de chant de New York, qui a su puiser aux bonnes sources de serieux principes d’art lytique et vocal, me demande une lettre d’introduction. Il voudrait vous faire entendre une jeune fille qui-autant qu’il ma été permis d’en juger dans l’air de la reine de la nuit (Flauto magico di Mozart) possède un soprano d’une entendue et d’une qualité peu ordinaires…”. 2 pp. ¼. In-8. Archive holes. Included: printed copy of the weekly paper “La Musica Popolare” of 20th April 1882 with a long article on Maurel; Teatro alla Scala poster of the 1904 performance of “Griselda” (30 x 41 cm). Other clippings. - This item is under temporary import. ...

Stima 250 - 300 GBP

Lotto 289 - MAZZOLENI Ester (1883 - 1982) MAZZOLENI Ester (1883 - 1982) OPERA - MAZZOLENI Ester (1883 - 1982) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Budapest 1914. 15-5” by the Italian soprano. After studying with soprano Amelia Pinto, she made her debut in “Il trovatore” in 1906 at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome where on March 24 she is Rachele in “L’ebrea” conducted by Rodolfo Ferrari and on April 3 Fricka in the premiere of “L’oro del Reno” conducted by Ferrari with Giuseppe Borgatti and Giuseppe De Luca (baritone). In 1907 she was Loreley conducted by Cleofonte Campanini with Mansueto Gaudio at the Teatro Regio di Parma. Addressed to the impresario Fano: “…Per un primo affare, in otto anni di carriera, voi mi chiedete troppo sacrificio. La gloria e il sogno vanno bene fino un certo punto. Voglio però mostrarvi la mia buona volontà, e questo sarà veramente il mio prezzo…”. 3 pp. In-8. With letterhead “Grand Hotel Royal - Nagyszálloda”. Included: Autograph letter signed, dated “Napoli 11 giugno 75” by Francesco Mazzoleni, the soprano’s ancestor whose patronage in arts was remembered in Šibenik naming the theater after him (until 1945). Letter is addressed to Mr. Mazzoni: “…Di nuovo con animo grato ti accuso ricevuta della Romanza che ritrae il sentimento della Desa lazione: particolarmente alle parole (…) Benché oggi Napoli decada a gran passi in fatto di passione per l’arte divina, pure spero che riuscirò a farne esitare un certo numero nelle Famiglie presso le quali intendo qualche sera cantarla…”. 3 pp. In-8. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 100 - 150 GBP

Lotto 290 - MELCHIOR Lauritz (1890 - 1973) MELCHIOR Lauritz (1890 - 1973) OPERA - MELCHIOR Lauritz (1890 - 1973) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Budapest 1914. 15-5” by the Italian soprano. After studying with soprano Amelia Pinto, she made her debut in “Il trovatore” in 1906 at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome where on March 24 she is Rachele in “L’ebrea” conducted by Rodolfo Ferrari and on April 3 Fricka in the premiere of “L’oro del Reno” conducted by Ferrari with Giuseppe Borgatti and Giuseppe De Luca (baritone). In 1907 she was Loreley conducted by Cleofonte Campanini with Mansueto Gaudio at the Teatro Regio di Parma. Addressed to the impresario Fano: “…Per un primo affare, in otto anni di carriera, voi mi chiedete troppo sacrificio. La gloria e il sogno vanno bene fino un certo punto. Voglio però mostrarvi la mia buona volontà, e questo sarà veramente il mio prezzo…”. 3 pp. In-8. With letterhead “Grand Hotel Royal - Nagyszálloda”. Included: Autograph letter signed, dated “Napoli 11 giugno 75” by Francesco Mazzoleni, the soprano’s ancestor whose patronage in arts was remembered in Šibenik naming the theater after him (until 1945). Letter is addressed to Mr. Mazzoni: “…Di nuovo con animo grato ti accuso ricevuta della Romanza che ritrae il sentimento della Desa lazione: particolarmente alle parole (…) Benché oggi Napoli decada a gran passi in fatto di passione per l’arte divina, pure spero che riuscirò a farne esitare un certo numero nelle Famiglie presso le quali intendo qualche sera cantarla…”. 3 pp. In-8. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 70 - 100 GBP