
[Mackail (J.W.) 'The Life of William Morris', volumi I e II, Longmans, Green and Co, Londra, New York e Bombay 1899, tela originale con titoli dorati ai dorsi, 8vo; insieme a Way, Thomas R. "Memoirs of James McNeill Whistler", Bodley Head 1912 con timbro a secco "Review Copy with John Lanes Compliments"; Vollard, Ambroise - "Recollection of a Picture Dealer", Boston, Little, Brown and Company 1936; Gilbey, Sir Walter: George Morland, Adam and Charles Black 1907; Ludovici, Anthony M. - 'Personal Reminiscences of Auguste Rodin'; e Grant, Colonel H: 'A Chronological History of the Old English Landscape Painters in oil, 7 vols (13)

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