
1963 Chinese poster on the Vietnam War. The American imperialists get out of South Vietnam now!

Colored poster measuring 106 x 77 cm, bilingual (Vietnamese and Chinese). Very good condition. Superb propaganda poster in vivid colours in double language in the context of the Vietnam War. The poster depicts a Vietnamese soldier in the foreground in the act of hurling a grenade and in the background two women holding a rifle and a crossbow against the backdrop of some foliage reminiscent of Vietnamese vegetation. Above and below are the call in Vietnamese and Chinese: ‘The American imperialists get out of South Vietnam now!’

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1963 Chinese poster on the Vietnam War. The American imperialists get out of South Vietnam now!

Stima 400 - 500 EUR
Base d'asta 250 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
Bado e Mart Auctions
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