
ZUCCARI. The Visitation. Mary meets Elizabeth.

ZUCCARI, Federico. The Visitation. Mary meets Elizabeth. 1539 - 1609 Watercolor pasted on cardboard in octagonal shape. 250x242 mm. Monochrome watercolor in different hazelnut shades. Good conditions. Masterful illustration of the important episode narrated in the Gospel of Luke. In a domestic interior the two women, the young Mary and the older Elizabeth, are at the center of the scene. Behind them two women can be glimpsed, probably Maria di Cleofa and Maria di Salomè. Two men also attend the meeting, in the background: St. Joseph with the stick on the left, and Zaccaria on the right. The representation appears more austere than the monumental fresco on the same theme that the painter paints in the Chapel of Francesco Maria II d'Urbino, in 1582-83; here a more contained feeling emerges, not spectacularized. Federico was first a pupil of his brother Maggio Taddeo Zuccari, who had a painting studio in Rome. In 1565 he joined the Academy of Drawing in Florence. The drawing will be a hallmark of his entire artistic life.

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ZUCCARI. The Visitation. Mary meets Elizabeth.

Stima 5 000 - 6 000 EUR
Base d'asta 1 800 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
Bado e Mart Auctions
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