
CASOLANI. Coronation of the Virgin with Angels and Cherubs.

CASOLANI, Alessandro. Coronation of the Virgin with Angels and Cherubs. 1552 - 1607 Watercolor drawing on paper. 444x325 mm. Black pen and monochrome watercolor on hazelnut tones. reinforced. Good conditions. Grand and complex representation, with the Holy Trinity crowning the Virgin, venerated by two kneeling cherubs. In the foreground, on the sides, two musical angels with lute and harp. The central scene is framed by a crowd of angels and cherubs emerging from the clouds. The Sienese painter, influenced by Barocci and Veronese, was an eminent representative of the mannerism of the late sixteenth century.

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CASOLANI. Coronation of the Virgin with Angels and Cherubs.

Stima 4 000 - 4 500 EUR
Base d'asta 1 800 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
Bado e Mart Auctions
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