
Propaganda Poster on work in Germany during World War II. LAVAL. La Relève continue ! Il en reste… Relevez-les!

Poster measuring 54 x 36 cm. Lithography. Text printed in white on a blue background; under the text, on the right, «P. LAVAL, Compiègne 11 Août 1942 ». Bottom right « V – II -200». Good condition. Collaborationist propaganda. Incitement to 'voluntary' work in Germany written by P. Laval, 1883 – 1945, who was minister several times starting from 1935. During the Second World War and the Occupation he was, with Philippe Pétain, the most important personality of the German regime Vichy is the main implementer of the policy of collaboration with Nazi Germany. Description, date and typographical information taken from a card edited by 'Paris Musees'.

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Propaganda Poster on work in Germany during World War II. LAVAL. La Relève continue ! Il en reste… Relevez-les!

Stima 300 - 400 EUR
Base d'asta 250 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
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