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PIATTI. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Studies of figures. Drawing.

PIATTI, Sante. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Studies of figures. Drawing. 1687-1747 c. Sheet of mm. 196x280. On the front the Presentation, brush with black ink and sepia ink. On the verso 4 studies figures, brush with sepia ink. Giuseppe Vallardi collection stamp, lower left. Some losses along the magins. Good conditions. Great scene with many characters, in the center the Holy Family with the Madonna and St. Joseph kneeling, above two small angels: some secondary figures, two on the door on the right, a child running to the left foreground and a dog on the opposite side, give the design depth, liveliness and movement. On the back four quick studies of characters in ancient garments. Sante Piatti, a pupil of Diamantini, worked almost exclusively in Venice, where he enjoyed considerable fame. Works by him are present at the Scuola dei Carmini, in the churches of Santo Stefano, San Moisè, San Nicolò dei Frari, and at the Correr Museum.

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PIATTI. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Studies of figures. Drawing.

Stima 2 300 - 2 500 EUR
Base d'asta 1 000 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
Bado e Mart Auctions
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