
TURCHI known as the Orbetto. Martyrdom of Saint Catherine. Drawing.

TURCHI, Alessandro, known as the Orbetto. Martyrdom of Saint Catherine. Drawing.1578 - 1649 Sheet mm. 330x215. Watercolor drawing on beige laid paper with watermark trace. Pen, brush and sepia ink. The drawing is in a square with a linear sepia frame. Good condition. Virtuosic study on the famous altarpiece by Jacopo Palma the Younger, present in the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. L ’Orbetto certainly executed it before 1614, the year in which he permanently moved to Rome. The work demonstrates the great interest in the compositional elements of the young artist, who masterfully reproduces a work performed a few years earlier by one of the most important painters of the time, still in full activity. Born in Verona, Alessandro Turchi became a pupil of Felice Brusasorci in a very lively artistic environment full of high-level artists, including Paolo Veronese; he then moved to Rome in 1614. In the capital of the Papal State, Alessandro came into contact with the art of Caravaggio, but above all he deepened the art of Guido Reni: the Renian classicism entered the work of Alessandro and never abandoned it. Also in Rome, in 1638 he too became Prince of the Academy of San Luca, succeeding Pietro da Cortona in this position.

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TURCHI known as the Orbetto. Martyrdom of Saint Catherine. Drawing.

Stima 5 000 - 5 800 EUR
Base d'asta 2 500 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
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