
DE FLEURY. Letter addressed to M. Rigoley a Dijon.

4 pages in 8vo, 220x170 mm. Laid paper with watermark. Text on the first page, two blank, an handwritten note in the upper right margin of page 4. At head ‘A Versailles le 30 Janvier 1738’; below left ‘M. Rigoley a Dijon’. Text in French, brown ink. Below the text, ‘le Card. De Fleury', written in black ink like the note on page 4. Fine specimen. Elegant handwritten letter in brown ink on laid paper. A kind reply with New Year's greetings, sent to M. Rigoley of Dijon, a member of one of the most important families in Burgundy. The two annotations added, giving the date, sender and subject of the letter, penned in black ink and by another hand, can be attributed to M. Rigoley or his secretary. André-Hercule de Fleury (1653 - 1743) was a French cardinal, Catholic bishop and politician.In 1716, by the testamentary will of King Louis XIV himself, he was appointed by the then regent, the Duke of Orleans, personal tutor to the heir to the throne, the young Louis XV, who was then only five years old, and whose trust he gained. He was chief minister to the king from 11 June 1726 until his death in January 1743, holding the same prestigious post that was once held by Richelieu and Mazarin.

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DE FLEURY. Letter addressed to M. Rigoley a Dijon.

Stima 300 - 400 EUR
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