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Optics. SMITH. Cours complet d'optique.

2 volumes in 4to. 255x195 mm. Full leather binding with titles and gold ornaments on the spine. [4], XXVIII, 472; [2], 536, [2] pages, 38 + 35 plates, for a total of 73 plates. Very small tear in the margins of page 91 of the second volume, which does not affect the text. Ex libris by M. Dupont, State Councilor and former Intendant of the Royal Military School. Nice copy. First edition in French. The most important and complete treatise on optics of the eighteenth century. The 73 plates mostly represent optical instruments. The translation of this work is by Father Pézenas, who has greatly expanded it from the same observations as him. The first part is a compendium of all the phenomena of optics with related experiments; the second part is an application of geometry in the theory of light and optics; third section of the work is a treatise on mechanics applied to optics and intended mainly for artists with the processes for making mirrors, lenses, telescopes, magic lanterns. The fourth part is a history of astronomy and its discoveries. Note that for the author light has a corpuscular character despite Newton's doubts on this subject. DSB: “[The] work became probably the most influential optical text book of the eighteenth century.”

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Optics. SMITH. Cours complet d'optique.

Stima 1 800 - 2 500 EUR
Base d'asta 1 200 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
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