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Atlas. DE FER. Les Costes de France sur l'Ocean et sur la Mer Mediterranee.

2 parts in one volume, 4to. Contemporary brown calf binding. Double-page engraved pictorial title, engraved divisional title. Pages [4], 38, [2], 60. 32 mostly double-page engraved coastal charts, including a folding Winds chart and a plate of the general index of France. Good copy. First Edition. The first atlas published by Nicolas De Fer, produced shortly after he became the official geographer to the French Dauphin. The maps are based on an atlas published by Tassin in 1634. Tassin sold the plates of that atlas to Nicolas’s father Antoine De Fer, which Nicolas then modified for the present work. He added a great number of villages, identified regions and rivers, revised some of the decorative features, and added titles that indicate the names of the capitaineries garde-côtes as established in 1676. The first part charts the Atlantic coastline from Calais to San Sebastian; the second the Mediterranean coast between the Spanish border and Villefranche. Pastoureau, Fer VIIIA; Phillips, Atlases 8389.

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Atlas. DE FER. Les Costes de France sur l'Ocean et sur la Mer Mediterranee.

Stima 5 000 - 6 000 EUR
Base d'asta 3 000 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
Bado e Mart Auctions
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