
Albrecht DÜRER. Saint Eustace.

Nineteenth-century copy of the original engraved by the Durer of 1508. One of the most famous and famous works that attracts much for the landscape and the depicted animals. Space and light achieve a perfect balance between static and dynamic and all the pictorial effects are obtained with strictly graphic means. St. Eustace, Trajan's official, according to tradition, converted to Christianity for having seen at a hunt, a deer holding a cross in its horns.

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Albrecht DÜRER. Saint Eustace.

Stima 800 - 1 000 EUR
Base d'asta 600 EUR

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Spese di vendita: 28 %
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In vendita il martedì 16 lug : 15:00 (CEST)
padova, Italia
Bado e Mart Auctions
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