NICHOLAS I – Russian Emperor (1825-1855) Imperial Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas …

NICHOLAS I – Russian Emperor (1825-1855) Imperial Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas I and Decree of His Imperial Majesty from the Holy Governing Synod (Copy) on the Successful Delivery of Her Imperial Maj…

Il 26 febbraio (10 marzo) del 1845, a San Pietroburgo, nacque un figlio di nome Alessandro dal granduca Alessandro Nikolaevič e da sua moglie Maria Alexandrovna. Questo Alessandro sarebbe diventato il futuro imperatore russo Alessandro III, nipote di Nicola I e padre dell'ultimo monarca russo, Nicola II.


NICHOLAS I – Russian Emperor (1825-1855) Imperial Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas I and Decree of His Imperial Majesty from the Holy Governing Synod (Copy) on the Successful Delivery of Her Imperial Majesty Empress and Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of

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