Null [Hermans, W.F. Fjodor Klondyke. De Leproos van Molokaï Thriller serie n. 2.…

[Hermans, W.F. Fjodor Klondyke. De Leproos van Molokaï Thriller serie n. 2. Amst., De Motor, 1945. 159 p. Leggera piegatura in basso a sinistra, ma nel complesso una copia pulita e buona.


[Hermans, W.F. Fjodor Klondyke. De Leproos van Molokaï Thriller serie n. 2. Amst., De Motor, 1945. 159 p. Leggera piegatura in basso a sinistra, ma nel complesso una copia pulita e buona.

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Serie di 12 studi su Balzac: Martin Kanes, La commedia delle parole di Balzac. Princeton University Press, 1975. Piena tela. Madeleine Fargeaud, Balzac et la recherche de l'Absolu. Parigi, Hachette, 1968. In brossura. E. J. Oliver, Balzac l'europeo. Londra e New York, Sheed and Ward, 1959. In piena tela. Annette Rosa e Isabelle Tournier, Balzac. Parigi, Armand Colin 1992. brossura. E. Preston, Recherches sur la technique de Balzac Les Presses françaises, 1927. In brossura. Samuel Rogers, Balzac e il romanzo. University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. Piena tela. Judith Lyon-Caen, La Lecture et la vie - Les usages du roman au temps de Balzac. Parigi, Tallandier, 2006. In brossura. Edmond Biré, Honoré de Balzac. Parigi, Honoré Champion, 1897. In brossura. Mary F. Sandars, Honoré de Balzac, la sua vita e i suoi scritti. Londra, John Murray, 1904. Completo di stoffa. [Balzac e il diciannovesimo secolo : studi di letteratura francese presentati a Herbert J. Hunt da allievi, colleghi e amici / a cura di D. G. Charlton, J. Gaudon e Anthony R. Pugh. Leicester University Press, 1972. Completo di stoffa. Georges Hourdin, Balzac romanziere di passioni. Temps Présent, 1950, brossura. Jean-Louis Bory, Pour Balzac et quelques autres - Musique 1. Julliard, 1960, brossura. Lotto di 12 studi (13 volumi) su Balzac: Nicole Felkay, Balzac et ses éditeurs 1822-1837. Essai sur la librairie romantique. Promodis, 1987. In brossura Léon-François Hoffmann, Répertoire géographique de La Comédie humaine. José Corti, 1965-1968. 2 volumi in brossura. Claude Lachet, Thématique et Technique du Lys dans la Vallée de Balzac. Nouvelles éditions Debresse, 1978. In brossura. [Balzac: illusioni perdute. L'œuvre capitale dans l'œuvre. C.R.I.N., 1988. Studi raccolti da Françoise VAN Rossum-Guyon. In brossura. Stefan Zweig, Balzac, sein Weltbild aus den Werken - Volume 11 di Aus der Gedankenwelt grosser Geister. Bd.11. R Lutz, 1908, brossura, condizioni mediocri. André Allemand, Honoré de Balzac - Création et passion. Plon, 1963. In brossura. Agnès Guglielmetti, Feu et lumière dans La Peau de chagrin de Balzac. I canali simbolici del vocabolario delle sensazioni. Parigi, Lettres Modernes, 1978. In brossura. Pierre Bayard, Balzac et le troc de l'imaginaire - Lecture de La Peau de chagrin. Lettres modernes Minard, 1978. In brossura. Michel Lichtlé, Balzac, le texte et la loi. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, 2012. In brossura. [Balzac voyageur - Parcours, déplacements, mutations. Testi raccolti e presentati da Nicole Mozet e Paule Petitier. Pubblicato dall'Université François Rabelais, Tours, 2004. In brossura. Gabriel Faure, Pèlerinages dauphinois. Grenoble, Éditions J. Rey, 1925. In brossura. René Jouanne, Alençon sur les pas de Balzac. In: Le Pays Bas-Normand, 1970, n. 4. In brossura. Lotto di 10 studi su Balzac: Aline Mura-Brunel, Silence du roman - Balzac et le romanesque contemporain. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Kristina Wingard, Les problèmes des couples mariés dans La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac. Uppsala, 1978. Tesi di laurea. Patrick Berthier, Balzac et l'imprimerie. Imprimerie nationale, 1999. Pierre Danger, L'éros balzacien - structures du désir dans la Comédie Humaine. José Corti, 1989. Sophie de Korwin-Piotrowska, Balzac et le monde slave - madame Hanska et l'oeuvre balzacienne. Parigi, Champion, 1933. Claude-Marie Senninger, Honoré de Balzac par Théophile Gautier. Parigi, Nizet, 1980. [Lucienne Frappier-Mazur, Genèses du Roman - Balzac et Sand. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Linzy Erika Dickinson, Il teatro nella Comédie humaine di Balzac. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2000. H.U. Forest, L'estetica del romanzo balzaciano. Parigi, PUF, 1950. [Maison Balzac, "Souscrivez à la comédie humaine". 2001. Serie in brossura.

Attributed to José de Risueño y su Obrador (Granada, 1665-1732), Granada Baroque School of the 17th century Oil on canvas representing Saint Domingo de Guzmán receiving the Virgin with the Child God. Measurements: 62 x 52 cm, framed measurements: 72 x 60 cm. One of the most prominent Spanish painters and sculptors of the Granada Baroque. Trained in the workshop of his father Manuel Risueño with the sculptors Diego and José de Mora and with the painter Juan de Sevilla, all of them disciples of Alonso Cano. With abundant artistic production of a religious nature, in his work we can see the influence of Cano's models, his taste for naturalism and the use of Van Dyck's Flemish prints. Among his paintings, the religious scenes stand out with examples such as The Coronation of Saint Rosalía and The Mystical Betrothal of Saint Catherine (Granada Cathedral), The Virgin of the Rosary (private collection, Almería) and Saint Thomas of Aquinas (acquired in 1911 by the Prado Museum). He collaborated with Palomino in the execution of The Triumph of the Eucharist and Saint Bruno from the dome of the Tabernacle of the Granada Charterhouse (in situ). He also made portraits, highlighting among them that of his protector, Archbishop Dr. Martín Azcargorta (archiepiscopal palace, Granada). In his sculptural works he cultivated the same themes as in painting, using diverse materials: clay, wood and stone, to make altarpieces, doorways and church facades, most of them in his hometown. Provenance: private collection, Barcelona. Reference literature: Orozco Díaz, Emilio, «Some unknown works by Risueño and de Mora (data and comments for the study of a forgotten theme of Granada imagery)», Spanish Art Archive, xliv, no. 175, Madrid, 1971, pp. 233-257; Sánchez-Mesa Martín, Domingo, José Risueño, sculptor and painter from Granada (1665-1732), Granada, University, 1972.