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10 leaves from a Book of Hours, with single floral borders, 2 with small miniatures depicting the Virgin with Child and St Matthias. France 15th-16th c 15,9 x 11 cm (leaf), 10 x 6 cm (text with decorations), vellum, Latin, pen in a brown Gothic hand on 21 lines, initials in gold, red and blue. Both miniatures (4,5 x 4 cm) painted (or repainted?) in the 16th c.

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10 leaves from a Book of Hours, with single floral borders, 2 with small miniatures depicting the Virgin with Child and St Matthias. France 15th-16th c 15,9 x 11 cm (leaf), 10 x 6 cm (text with decorations), vellum, Latin, pen in a brown Gothic hand on 21 lines, initials in gold, red and blue. Both miniatures (4,5 x 4 cm) painted (or repainted?) in the 16th c.

Estimation 800 - 1 000 EUR

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En vente le samedi 29 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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