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C. 170 diapositives of Algeria and Tunesia. C. 1909 From the series "E. Mazo", "J. Levy & C°", and by an amateur. Algeria: Tlemcen: Arabic cemetery, street views; Oran: harbour, mosque; Hammam Meskhoutine: views of the hot spring and area; Constantine: Roman arcades, Rhumel gorges, street views, Timgad: Roman archaeological site of Lambaesis, Roman ruins of the Capitolium, Arch of Trajan; Tilatou: rock dwellings, valley; El Kantara: gorges, green oasis; Algiers: Test Garden of Hamma, Prague Garden, Martyrs' Square, cathedral, street views, Dar Mustapha Pacha, harbour, panoramic views, cemetery, mosque of Sidi Abderrahmane; Biskra: mainly portraits and street views. Furthermore views of Mascara, Aïn El Arbaa, Bouzaréah (cemetery), Amoucha (market), Kabylie (cape Carbon, village, market), Sidi Okba and Tawrirt Amran. Tunisia: Carthage: Cisterns of La Malga, chapel of Saint Louis (demolished in 1950); Sousse: in the souks; El Djem: amphitheatre; Tunis: escort of the bey of Tunis, the old beylical palace now known as Bardo National Museum, an orange merchand, a street with "Chocolat Meunier" advertisement; Sfax: mainly animated street views; Kairouan: street and panoramic views; Gabès: street views, women doing laundry in the river, market. Prov. Collection Aug. Poot (labels on 2 glass plates).

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C. 170 diapositives of Algeria and Tunesia. C. 1909 From the series "E. Mazo", "J. Levy & C°", and by an amateur. Algeria: Tlemcen: Arabic cemetery, street views; Oran: harbour, mosque; Hammam Meskhoutine: views of the hot spring and area; Constantine: Roman arcades, Rhumel gorges, street views, Timgad: Roman archaeological site of Lambaesis, Roman ruins of the Capitolium, Arch of Trajan; Tilatou: rock dwellings, valley; El Kantara: gorges, green oasis; Algiers: Test Garden of Hamma, Prague Garden, Martyrs' Square, cathedral, street views, Dar Mustapha Pacha, harbour, panoramic views, cemetery, mosque of Sidi Abderrahmane; Biskra: mainly portraits and street views. Furthermore views of Mascara, Aïn El Arbaa, Bouzaréah (cemetery), Amoucha (market), Kabylie (cape Carbon, village, market), Sidi Okba and Tawrirt Amran. Tunisia: Carthage: Cisterns of La Malga, chapel of Saint Louis (demolished in 1950); Sousse: in the souks; El Djem: amphitheatre; Tunis: escort of the bey of Tunis, the old beylical palace now known as Bardo National Museum, an orange merchand, a street with "Chocolat Meunier" advertisement; Sfax: mainly animated street views; Kairouan: street and panoramic views; Gabès: street views, women doing laundry in the river, market. Prov. Collection Aug. Poot (labels on 2 glass plates).

Estimation 300 - 400 EUR

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En vente le vendredi 28 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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