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C. 10 diapositives of Mexico and 1 of the U.S. Early 20th c By an amateur. The pre-Columbian archaeological site of Xochicalco, Lake Pátzcuaro, a traditional dance, the archaeological site of Mitla of the Zapotec culture, the pre-Columbian city of Chichén Itzá, the Governor's Palace in Uxmal, a pilgrimage towards Chalma and Amecameca, etc. One photo of Chicago's State Street.

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C. 10 diapositives of Mexico and 1 of the U.S. Early 20th c By an amateur. The pre-Columbian archaeological site of Xochicalco, Lake Pátzcuaro, a traditional dance, the archaeological site of Mitla of the Zapotec culture, the pre-Columbian city of Chichén Itzá, the Governor's Palace in Uxmal, a pilgrimage towards Chalma and Amecameca, etc. One photo of Chicago's State Street.

Estimation 35 - 60 EUR

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En vente le vendredi 28 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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