Null View on the church of Santa Costanza in Rome. 18th c Copperplate, 10,1 x 14…

View on the church of Santa Costanza in Rome. 18th c Copperplate, 10,1 x 14,3 cm, titled "Tempio di Bacco oggi Chiesa di S. Costanza." (few light scratches). Nice view on some Roman ruins and the iconic circular mausoleum of Santa Costanza. Joined: View on a street with half-timbered buildings. 18th c. Copperplate, 12,1 x 8,2 cm. (2 pcs)

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View on the church of Santa Costanza in Rome. 18th c Copperplate, 10,1 x 14,3 cm, titled "Tempio di Bacco oggi Chiesa di S. Costanza." (few light scratches). Nice view on some Roman ruins and the iconic circular mausoleum of Santa Costanza. Joined: View on a street with half-timbered buildings. 18th c. Copperplate, 12,1 x 8,2 cm. (2 pcs)

Estimation 200 - 300 EUR

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C. 295 diapositives of Rome. C. 1905-1920 From the series "J. Levy & C°", "E. Mazo" and by an amateur. Rome: Porta San Paolo and pyramid of Cestius, Arch of Drusus, Porta Maggiore, Porta San Sebastiano, Porta Pinciana, Theatre of Marcellus, Mausoleum of Augustus, Pantheon, Temple of Minerva Medica, Santa Constanza, Palatine Hill (House of Livia and of Augustus, Library of Palatine Apollo, Palace of Domitian), Baths of Caracalla, Castel Sant'Angelo, Via Appia, Pincian Hill, Capitoline Hill, Galleria Borghese, Trevi Fountain, Villa Medici, Janiculum Hill with Fountain dell'Acqua Paolo, Fountain of the Four Rivers, Spanish Square, Porta del Popolo, Tiber Island, Colosseum, Arch of Janus, Trajan's Forum, Forum of Nerva, Forum Boarium, Villa Giulia, etc. Forum Romanum (Temple of Saturn, Temple of Castor, Basilica of Maxentius, Arch of Titus, Arch of Septimius Severus, Basilica Julia, House of the Vestals, etc.). Christian Rome: Vatican City (St Peter's Basilica, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums (Museo Pio-Clementino, Museo Chiaramonti), St Peter's Square, Doric colonnades, Vatican Apostolic Library). Churches: Archbasilica of St John Lateran, Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls, Basilica of St Peter in Chains, Papal Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, Basilica of St Mary above Minerva, Church of St Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius, Santa Constanza, Basilica of St Clement, St Mary of the Angels, Tempietto del Bramante, Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, Church of the Most Holy Trinity on the Mounts, Parish Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, Basilica of Saint Mary in Cosmedin, Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Basilica of St Stephen in the Round on the Caelian Hill, etc. Rome surroundings: Tivoli, Terni, Aqua Claudia, Church of the Gesù, etc. Furthermore panoramas, photos of statues, of the maquette of Bigot or other reconstructions of Rome during the Roman era. Prov. Collection Aug. Poot (label on glass plate).