Null KARPOV ANATOLY: (1951- ) Russian chess Grandmaster. World Champion from 197…

KARPOV ANATOLY: (1951- ) Russian chess Grandmaster. World Champion from 1975 to 1985, and FIDE World Champion from 1993 to 1999. He is widely considered as one of the greatest players in history. Colour signed 10 x 8 photograph, the image showing Karpov seated before the chess game in a head and shoulders pose. Signed in bold blue ink across the image. Autograph obtained in person by collector. VG

KARPOV ANATOLY: (1951- ) Russian chess Grandmaster. World Champion from 1975 to 1985, and FIDE World Champion from 1993 to 1999. He is widely considered as one of the greatest players in history. Colour signed 10 x 8 photograph, the image showing Karpov seated before the chess game in a head and shoulders pose. Signed in bold blue ink across the image. Autograph obtained in person by collector. VG

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1939 Citroën Traction 7C Cabriolet 4 portes. Châssis n°217334 Moteur FN03868 Carte grise Collection Mention CABR sur la Carte Grise Une des dernières produites Indissociable de l’histoire de la marque Citroën, la Traction avant a ouvert la voie à l’automobile moderne grâce à ses nombreuses innovations technologiques, dont le fameux dispositif à cardans. A sa sortie en 1934, elle a pris 20 ans d’avance sur la concurrence. De 1934 à 1957, elle a fait le bonheur de plusieurs générations d’automobilistes. Aujourd’hui, les Traction Avant Citroën 7, 11, 15 sont des modèles à part dans le monde de la voiture ancienne. Longtemps boudées, elles tiennent aujourd’hui une place incontournable dans le succès des différentes manifestations à travers le monde. Qu’elle soit berline, commerciale, familiale, cabriolet, coupé, large, légère, d’origine ou restaurée à la perfection, la Traction vous procurera toujours le même plaisir. Cette Traction 7C-9 de 1939 est un rare exemplaire d’avant-guerre. Celui-ci fut livré le 22 Novembre1939 à la concession Citroën de Gisors aux époux Brown. Ceux-ci n’en profiteront que peu, la voiture restant cachée dans la grange pendant le conflit. En juin 1944, ils purent de nouveau utiliser leur Traction dans la Normandie libérée. Ils la conserveront jusqu’à la fin 1951. La voiture est alors acquise par les époux Rubin. En 1963, la voiture est cédée aux époux Lilienthal qui finiront par l’abandonner. En 1967, la voiture est sauvée de la ferraille par Michel Barbaud, celui-ci va la restaurer et la transformera en un cabriolet unique. La caisse est renforcée et un arceau amovible est créé. Sa transformation, réalisée par la carrosserie industrielle Neau à Gisors sera homologuée et aujourd’hui encore, la voiture affiche toujours la mention CABR sur la carte grise. En 2011, après 44 ans de possession, Michel Barbaud se sépare de sa voiture. Il la revend alors à Michel B. Celui-ci fera refaire le moteur, avant de la céder à notre collectionneur en 2017. Depuis son acquisition, celui-ci la personnalise à son goût, faisant refaire la sellerie. Elle fut régulièrement entretenue. Aujourd’hui, bien que la voiture démarre, celle-ci mériterait une révision suite à son arrêt prolongé dans le musée des collectionneurs. 1939 Citroën Traction 7C Cabriolet 4 doors. Chassis n°217334 Engine FN03868 Collection registration document Mention CABR on the registration document One of the last to be produced Indissociable from the history of the Citroën brand, the Traction avant paved the way for the modern automobile thanks to its many technological innovations, including the famous universal joint system. When it came out in 1934, it was 20 years ahead of the competition. From 1934 to 1957, it delighted several generations of motorists. Today, the Traction Avant Citroën 7, 11 and 15 are models in a class of their own in the world of classic cars. Long shunned, they now play a key role in the success of various events around the world. Whether it's a saloon, commercial, family, cabriolet, coupé, wide, light, original or restored to perfection, the Traction will always give you the same pleasure. This 1939 Traction 7C-9 is a rare pre-war example. It was delivered to the Citroën dealership in Gisors on 22 November 1939. They did not get much use out of it, as the car remained hidden in the barn during the war. In June 1944, they were able to use their Traction again in liberated Normandy. They kept it until the end of 1951. The car was then acquired by the Rubins. In 1963, the car was sold to the Lilienthal family, who eventually abandoned it. In 1967, the car was rescued from the scrap heap by Michel Barbaud, who restored it and transformed it into a unique convertible. The body was strengthened and a removable roll bar created. The transformation, carried out by the Neau industrial bodywork workshop in Gisors, was approved by the authorities, and the car still bears the CABR mark on its registration document. In 2011, after 44 years of ownership, Michel Barbaud decided to sell his car. He sold it to Michel B., who had the engine rebuilt before selling it to our collector in 2017. Since its acquisition, he has personalised it to his taste, having the upholstery redone. It has been regularly maintained. Today, although the car starts up, it is in need of an overhaul following its prolonged stint in the collectors' museum.