所有拍品 "木雕" 高级搜索

230 结果


KAREL APPEL (1921 - 2006) - KAREL APPEL (1921 - 2006) - "Blue boy" - 精美木雕 - 已签名 - 编号 60/60 - COBRA - 荷兰画派 - 66 x 48 cm

估价 1 500 - 2 000 EUR


"DINGO" 木制古董雕刻 - 多色 - "GOOFY" - 高:33 厘米

估价 50 - 150 EUR


手工制作的仿木雕猫 - 高:52 厘米

估价 50 - 150 EUR

5月 22日 星期三

菩萨;中国,元明时期,十三至十四世纪。 木质,有多彩痕迹。 附证书 C-14。 作品曾在 2006 年 Feriarte 展览会上展出。 有瑕疵。 尺寸:137 x 70 x 37 厘米;137 x 72, 5 x 52 厘米(带底座):137 x 70 x 37 厘米;137 x 72, 5 x 52 厘米(含底座)。 菩萨木雕。菩萨一词指的是通过系统修炼圆满功德而成佛的人,但为了帮助和引导众生,他放弃进入圆满的涅槃,直到所有众生都获得解脱。他的决定性品质是慈悲,辅之以智慧和无上知识。菩萨积极帮助众生,愿意承担众生的痛苦,并将自己的因果功德转给他人;从逻辑上讲,他们是信徒们崇拜的对象,因为信徒们觉得他们更亲近,在他们身上看到了自己需要的指导和帮助。在这个特殊的案例中,雕塑背面的加工方式表明,该作品最初是建筑空间装饰的一部分,也可能是一个更大的雕塑群的一部分。尽管时间的流逝造成了一些瑕疵,但雕刻的质量和艺术家的技艺仍然值得赞赏。 元朝发展了丰富多彩的文化。主要的文化成就是戏剧和小说的发展,以及白话文使用的增加。元朝的艺术和文化也得到了极大的发展和繁荣。中国和中亚大部分地区的政治统一促进了东西方之间的贸易。蒙古人与西亚和欧洲的广泛接触产生了大量的文化交流。蒙古帝国的其他文化和民族也极大地影响了中国。蒙古帝国在衰落之前极大地促进了整个亚洲的交流和贸易;元朝与其在波斯的盟友和属国伊儿汗国之间的交流促进了这一发展。佛教对元朝的统治产生了很大的影响,藏传佛教的密宗在这一时期也对中国产生了很大的影响。 附证书 C-14。 作品曾在 2006 年 Feriarte 展览会上展出。 有瑕疵。

估价 30 000 - 31 000 EUR

5月 23日 星期四

Fine Portrait on panel of Juan Bautista de Muguiro, attributed to Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) - Aragonese School of the 19th century - VOil on panel: 23 x 18 cm, measures with frame 32 x 26 cm. Muguiro, banker and merchant, perhaps exiled in Bordeaux due to the services rendered to King Joseph Bonaparte by his family firm, "J. Irivaren y sobrinos", later held important political positions in the Spain of Isabella II, being, for example, president of the Cortes and senator between 1836 and 1845. Goya, in the dedicatory inscription of the painting, defines himself as a "friend" of the portrayed, perhaps to thank him with that term, so generic in Castilian, for the efforts or aid received from him, who was also the banker of his son Javier. A few years earlier, Goya had thus dedicated "to his friend Arrieta", the portrait he gave to the doctor who saved his life during the illness that affected him in 1819. The artist presented Muguiro for posterity in his most prosaic and mercantile aspect, reading a recently opened letter and seated next to a desk covered with papers, on which shines a large green and gold porcelain inkwell. Goya in his old age condenses his technique in a few brushstrokes, given with sudden impulses of energy, which reveal the effort of his hand and his eyes, almost blind, although it has remained intact. Pérez Sánchez, Alfonso E., "Goya in the Prado. History of a singular collection", Goya. New Visions. Tribute to Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, Isabel García de la Rasilla and Francisco Calvo Serraller (eds.), Madrid, Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, 1987, pp. 307-322.

估价 6 000 - 7 500 EUR