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46 结果

5月 23日 星期四

Fine Portrait on panel of Juan Bautista de Muguiro, attributed to Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) - Aragonese School of the 19th century - VOil on panel: 23 x 18 cm, measures with frame 32 x 26 cm. Muguiro, banker and merchant, perhaps exiled in Bordeaux due to the services rendered to King Joseph Bonaparte by his family firm, "J. Irivaren y sobrinos", later held important political positions in the Spain of Isabella II, being, for example, president of the Cortes and senator between 1836 and 1845. Goya, in the dedicatory inscription of the painting, defines himself as a "friend" of the portrayed, perhaps to thank him with that term, so generic in Castilian, for the efforts or aid received from him, who was also the banker of his son Javier. A few years earlier, Goya had thus dedicated "to his friend Arrieta", the portrait he gave to the doctor who saved his life during the illness that affected him in 1819. The artist presented Muguiro for posterity in his most prosaic and mercantile aspect, reading a recently opened letter and seated next to a desk covered with papers, on which shines a large green and gold porcelain inkwell. Goya in his old age condenses his technique in a few brushstrokes, given with sudden impulses of energy, which reveal the effort of his hand and his eyes, almost blind, although it has remained intact. Pérez Sánchez, Alfonso E., "Goya in the Prado. History of a singular collection", Goya. New Visions. Tribute to Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, Isabel García de la Rasilla and Francisco Calvo Serraller (eds.), Madrid, Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, 1987, pp. 307-322.

估价 6 000 - 7 500 EUR

5月 26日 星期日

取材于让-巴蒂斯特-克洛德-塞内(法国,1748-1803 年) 非常美丽的侯爵夫人 以蒙特勒伊伊丽莎白夫人的沙龙为蓝本,约 1789 年 木雕镀金。笔直的王后椅背上装饰着一排橡树叶和刺桐叶,并以一排珍珠作为衬托。分离式栏杆扶手上装饰着由水叶支撑的种子笛。前面的腰带也饰有一排橡树叶,由带水叶、楞和籽棱的锥形腿支撑。 上面盖有 "JB SENE "的伪造印章。 椅垫为带滚边的 "刀 "形挂毯。 这是十九世纪的优质作品。 高 94 宽 63.5 深 71 厘米。 出处:1970 年 2 月 22 日凡尔赛 Me Martin 拍卖行拍卖目录第 188 页(转载)中记载的沙布里埃侯爵的旧藏。 十九世纪,根据让-巴蒂斯特-克洛德-塞内(Jean-Baptiste Claude Sené)的作品制作。精美的鎏金木雕刻侯爵夫人扶手椅,仿照伊丽莎白夫人在蒙特勒伊(Montreuil)的沙龙(Salon de Compagnie),约制作于1789年。来自沙布里埃侯爵的收藏。 这把椅子的整体构图让人想起让-巴蒂斯特-克劳德-塞内为蒙特勒伊的伊丽莎白夫人沙龙制作的两把贝格尔椅(卢浮宫,OA 11164 和 11165)。这些椅子丰富的装饰与路易十六的妹妹所希望的装饰风格一致。贝格尔椅是一套家具中的一部分,这套家具包括两张沙发、六张 "对坐 "沙发、四张贝格尔椅、四把 "贡多拉 "扶手椅、十八把椅子(其中六把是方格椅)、四把跪姿窥视者椅[ ]、一个柱形屏风和一个六叶折叠屏风。订单是在大革命前夕,即 1789 年 4 月 1 日下达的。所有座椅都列在 1790 年的清单中。我们的模型是按照这个系列的风格制作的,其特点是有凹槽的栏杆扶手,而原始模型的扶手和腿都是扭曲的。另一方面,这把侯爵夫人椅的椅腿则是贡比涅国王沙龙(卢浮宫,OA 9412)的卡布里奥莱特椅的精确复制品。这把椅子制作于 1790 年,是 "路易十六被软禁在杜伊勒利宫"(见比尔-G.B-帕洛:《卢浮宫博物馆的移动装置》,巴黎,法顿,t.II,1793 年,第 180 页)时最后的皇家委托作品之一。

估价 2 000 - 4 000 EUR