
AFTER THOMIR'S MODEL. FRENCH EMPIRE INKWELL, CIRCA 1800. 青铜镀汞和蓝化。 配后期底座。 总高 14 厘米 x 15 x 15 厘米。


AFTER THOMIR'S MODEL. FRENCH EMPIRE INKWELL, CIRCA 1800. 青铜镀汞和蓝化。 配后期底座。 总高 14 厘米 x 15 x 15 厘米。

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Atelier by JEAN PROUVÉ (France, 1901-1984). Bureau table. Surveillant’ model, ca. 1950s. Oak. Measurements: 79 x 130 x 65 cm. This table, model Surveillant (‘supervisor’) denotes the mastery of the teaching of the great French designer Jean Prouvé, both for the functional essentiality of the design and for the handcrafted and natural character of the finish. Prouvé had the generosity to spread his knowledge and create a school, since he founded his Ateliers in the 1930s. Jean Prouvé collaborated on the furniture in his Ateliers from the idea to the finished product. Equipped with a skilled creative team and the most advanced manufacturing technologies available, the Ateliers were laboratories where ideas were continually refined and adapted to produce furniture and prefabricated buildings on an industrial scale. The son of the modernist cabinetmaker Victor Prouvé, he was a prolific builder, designer and engineer. In Paris, he trained as an artistic blacksmith with Emile Robert, Enghien and Szabo in Paris. In 1924, he opened his own workshop in Nancy. As early as 1925, he produced the first furniture in formed sheet steel. In 1930 he co-founded the artists' association “Union des Artistes Modernes”. In 1931 he founded Les Ateliers Jean Prouvé. During the 1930s, these workshops produced numerous pieces of furniture and the first prefabricated architectural elements, for example for the ‘Maison du Peuple’ in Clichy, which attracted a great deal of attention with its steel and glass structure. Due to the shortage of steel, wooden furniture was made during the war and simple houses were developed from prefabricated elements. From 1940, Jean Prouvé was a member of the Resistance and became mayor of Nancy after the liberation of the city. During this period, he designed and built housing for the homeless. In 1947, Jean Prouvé founded the Maxéville factory. Between 1957 and 1968, he directed the construction department of the Compagnie Industrielle de Matériel de Transport in Paris. Between 1968 and 1984, he ran a studio in Paris as an independent consultant architect. From 1957 to 1970 he holds a chair at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. In 1971 he chairs the jury for the competition for the construction of the Pompidou Centre in Paris and contributes to the choice of the design by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. Between 1980 and 1984, he devoted himself to perfecting his furniture designs. In many of his works, Prouvé succeeds in combining his pretensions to functionality, suitability of materials and economy with the complex requirements of mass production. In 2002, Vitra begins to reissue his designs in collaboration with the Prouvé family.

[丰塔拉(亨利-热拉尔)或勒普兰斯(泽维尔)。[阿勒昆的变形记》,《游行》(在法国剧院上演)[巴黎],[朗鲁梅],[1826 年]。 小长圆形四开本,有缝封面,无封面和书名。11幅(共12幅)石版画和水彩画。尺寸 25 x 24 厘米。 这套极为罕见的作品的第一版(仅有一本被英国国家艺术博物馆公开收藏,在过去 36 年中没有在拍卖会上出现过)。这些漫画出自热拉尔-丰塔拉(Gérard Fontallard)或泽维尔-勒普兰斯(Xavier Leprince)之手,表现的是 1791 年至 1826 年间的政治或历史小品,描绘的是艺术喜剧中的人物,有时会将他们的服装隐藏在当时的制服下:1re Parade.- 1791.Colombine délaissée ou Fiez-vous aux vains discours des hommes》;第 2 次巡游。- 1793.L'Orateur Populaire 或自由生存或死亡;第 3 次游行。- 1795.Le Directorien》或《Veillons au Salut de l'Empire》;第 4 次巡游。- 1799.- Le 18 Brumaire an ou la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure ; 5th Parade.- 1800.- Le Grenadier des Consuls》或《我是法国人,我的国家高于一切》;第 6 次巡游。- 1808.- 香贝隆》(Le Chambellon)或《再见马顿》(Goodbye Marton)!再见,罗塞特》;第 7 次列队。- 1814.- 贝加梅侯爵》或《国王万岁》!即便如此;第 8 次巡游- 1815.- Champ de Mai 或 l'on revient toujours à ses premiers amours ; 第 9 次巡游。- 1820.- Tartufe ou L'habit ne fait pas le moine》,第 10 次巡游。- 1823.- Le Dîner ou Du courage, les amis sont toujours là ;11th Parade.- 1825.- La Clôture ou Ventre affamé n'a point d'oreilles.无第12版,也是最后一版(Le Congréganiste)。 少量散落的狐狸毛,几处轻微的湿斑。