Null 中国学校,可能是汉族。棍人部分多色陶俑雕塑。
高 60 厘米
该雕塑由牛津认证有限公司出具的热释光证书。 最初,该雕塑的陶俑躯干上可能附有木制手臂。

中国学校,可能是汉族。棍人部分多色陶俑雕塑。 高 60 厘米 该雕塑由牛津认证有限公司出具的热释光证书。 最初,该雕塑的陶俑躯干上可能附有木制手臂。


中国学校,可能是汉族。棍人部分多色陶俑雕塑。 高 60 厘米 该雕塑由牛津认证有限公司出具的热释光证书。 最初,该雕塑的陶俑躯干上可能附有木制手臂。

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HANS J. WEGNER (Denmark, 1914 - 2007) for Fritz Hansen. 'China Chair’ in Brazilian Rosewood with natural leather cushion. Model 4283. Designed 1944. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen in 1967, with label. Cushion with signs of wear. Measurements: 81,5 x 58 x 55 cm. With Cites certificate that permit sales within Europe. The China Chair was designed by Hans J. Wegner in 1944. Inspired by the timeless aesthetic of ancient Chinese design in the 17th and 18th century, the China Chair epitomises his lifelong quest to understand the nature of wood and explore its possibilities. In his modern interpretation, he unfolds his talent as a wood craftsman and his flair for expressive and sculptural functionalism. The China Chair shows Wegner’s firm belief that furniture should be beautiful from all angles, as freestanding monuments to the inseparable relationship between handcrafted forms and the fine, natural materials Hans J. Wegner was a leading figure in furniture design, whose ideas contributed to the international popularity of Danish design in the mid-20th century. His work belongs to the modern school, characterized by a special emphasis on functionality. He began his training at a very young age, as an apprentice to the cabinetmaker H. F. Stahlberg. He soon discovered a special taste for the use of wood, and his work in the cabinetmaking workshop allowed him to experiment with different types and designs. At the age of seventeen he completed his apprenticeship, although he remained in the workshop for another three years, until he joined the army. After his military service he entered a technical school, and then the Danmarks Designskole, where he was taught by O. Mølgaard Nielsen, and the Academy of Architecture in Copenhagen. In the Danish capital he came into contact with the Furniture Exhibitions of the Carpenters' Guild, where he began to show his creations in 1927. During these years Wegner collaborated with master cabinetmakers such as J. Hansen, L. Pontoppidan, N. Vodder, J. Kjær, A. J. Iversen, Moos and R. Rasmussen, as well as with the most prominent Danish architects of the time, among them K. Klint, V. Lauritzen and V. Lauritzen. Klint, V. Lauritzen. O. Wanscher and M. Voltelen. The annual exhibitions would give the young cabinetmaker experience of what could be achieved with the combination of design and craftsmanship, which led him to devote himself fully to design. Already in his early pieces, Wegner showed his interest in the concept of "stripping antique chairs of their outer style and showing them in their pure structure." Throughout his career, the designer was awarded prizes such as the Lunning Prize in 1951, the Grand Prix de Milan at the Milan Triennale of the same year, the Prince Eugene Medal in Sweden and the Danish Eckersberg Medal. In 1959 he was appointed honorary royal designer for industry by the Royal Society of Arts in London. Currently his designs are present in collections such as the MoMA in New York or Die Neue Samlung in Munich. Wegner has been referred to as the "King of Chairs" for his proliferated work designing seating. In his lifetime he designed over 500 different chairs, over 100 of which were put into mass production and many of which have become recognizable design icons.

BOREK SIPEK (Prague, Czech Republic, 1949-2016) for Vitra. "Ota Otanek" chair, 1980s. Carved wood, lacquered steel and copper. With Vitra labels. In good condition. It shows signs of use and the passage of time. Measurements: 52 x 60 x 75 cm. The innovative and striking Ota Otanek chair is made of different materials: wood, copper and steel. The seat is carved in wood, painted black. The side legs are made of steel coated with dyed paint. The backrest is made of real copper, hammered in a round shape. It is a distinguished design with round, organic and quadric shapes. Vitra produced this chair in a limited series, a true collector's item. Borek Sipek trained in interior design at the School of Arts and Crafts in Prague. He completed his studies in architecture at the University of Applied Arts in Hamburg and philosophy at the Technical University of Stuttgart, before setting up his design studio in Amsterdam in 1983. In the 1980s he began collaborating with Driade, for whom he designed furniture and objects characterized by their tremendous originality, a collaboration that was decisive for the success of his career. At Driade he became one of the brand's main collaborators alongside Philippe Starck, Oscar Tusquets and Antonia Astori. He was later one of the initiators of the construction of the Ajeto glass factory to support the traditions of Bohemian glassblowing, where the best craftsmen dedicated themselves to the creation of high-end pieces. He firmly entered Milan's design circles, where he was invited to collaborate with Alessi, Cleto Murani, Sawaya & Moroni, Wittmann and the Swiss brand Vitra. In the late 1980s, he traveled to Asia, where he became acquainted with the Japanese polychrome lacquer technique: he created an atypical Urushi Arai collection, where his usual techniques for glass were rendered in wood. Throughout his career he has received numerous awards, including the honorable mention in the German Architecture Prize (1983), the Dutch Kho Liang Le Dutch Kho Liang Design Award (1989), La Croix Chevalier dans l'ordre des Arts et Lettres by the French government (1991), the Prince Bernhard Fonds Award for Architecture and Applied Arts of the Netherlands (1993) and the Talent De L'Originalite" - Le Sommet du Luxe et de la Creation award, among others. Between 1990 and 2003 he held the title of court architect of Prague Castle appointed by Václav Havel, president of the former Czechoslovakia, later the Czech Republic.

来自苹果公司员工 Dana Redington 的 Apple-1 电脑 - 从史蒂夫-乔布斯办公室的 "以旧换新 "堆中,由乔布斯和沃兹赠送给苹果公司的第一位应用工程师 备受追捧的 "NTI "型 Apple-1 电脑(通常也被称为 Apple I 或 Apple Computer 1)已恢复全部功能,并配有运行所需的所有组件和配件。这块电路板来自苹果公司早期员工达纳-雷丁顿(Dana Redington)的收藏,他从 1978 年初开始拥有这块电路板。雷丁顿在信中详细解释了 Apple-1 是史蒂夫-乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和史蒂夫-沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)赠送给他的:"1978 年初,在准备搬迁到新大楼时,我注意到有一堆即将废弃的 Apple I 电路板。苹果公司提供了一个升级到 Apple II 的以旧换新计划,以帮助淘汰旧板卡。在征得沃兹尼亚克和乔布斯的同意后,我从这堆板子中挑选了一块最好的主板和几张卡带接口卡。在这次拍卖之前,这块主板在苹果收藏界是'未被发现'的,也从未出售过;现在它在 Apple-1 注册表中的编号是第 104 号。 套装包括 - 原版 Apple-1 "NTI "电路板,标签注有 "4062 "字样 - 原始苹果卡带接口(ACI)板 - 年代久远的 Cherry 机械键盘(约 1974 年),带 Apple-1 兼容接口电缆 - 为 Apple-1 接线的线性电源,基于安装在木框上的两个 Triad 变压器(F31-X 和 F40X)。 - 现代 Insignia 液晶电视/视频显示器,带 Apple-1 兼容视频电缆 - 来自 Dana Redington 的详细出处信,信中讨论了他在苹果公司的工作以及他收到这块电路板的情况 - 达纳-雷丁顿的苹果电脑公司名片,地址为库比蒂诺市史蒂文斯溪大道 20863 号 - 达纳-雷丁顿和史蒂夫-沃兹尼亚克与车牌号为 "APPLEII "的达特桑 280ZX 合影的原始照片,曾在 1983 年的电视广告中使用 这台 Apple-1 电脑于 2024 年 6 月由 Apple-1 专家科里-科恩(Corey Cohen)修复并恢复到可运行状态。经初步目测,这台 Apple-1 缺少或损坏的部件包括所有集成电路芯片、PROM、"Big Blue "电容器、三个稳压器、四个功率二极管、一个晶体振荡器和其他各种部件。科恩使用新的旧库存元件对所有电路板进行了维修;在可能的情况下,所有插座元件都换成了符合时代要求和制造商要求的元件。在此过程中,科恩编写了一份全面的技术报告,记录了电路板的状况和修复情况,还制作了一段 "使用寿命证明 "视频,演示电路板的功能,合格的投标人可获得该视频。 科恩在报告中指出,这块电路板的状况证明了它来自 "其他苹果早期员工记录的位于史蒂夫-乔布斯办公室的以旧换新堆 "的说法,因为电路板的陶瓷电容器有一些外观损伤,"很可能是由于被放在史蒂夫-乔布斯办公室的 Apple-1 电路板'堆'中,而放在这块电路板上面的另一块 Apple-1 电路板的集成电路插座脚有接触"。 Apple-1 最初是由史蒂夫-乔布斯和史蒂夫-沃兹-沃兹尼亚克(Steve 'Woz' Wozniak)设计的裸电路板,作为套件出售,由电子爱好者完成,最初的市场是帕洛阿尔托的家庭自制计算机俱乐部。为了寻求更广泛的受众,乔布斯找到了加州山景城字节商店的老板保罗-特雷尔(Paul Terrell),该商店是世界上最早的个人电脑商店之一。为了让电脑超越业余爱好者的范畴,特雷尔同意购买 50 台 Apple-1 电脑,但前提是必须完全组装好。因此,Apple-1 成为首批无需最终用户焊接的 "个人 "电脑之一。在 1976-77 年的十个月时间里,乔布斯和史蒂夫-沃兹尼亚克总共生产了约 200 台 Apple-1 电脑,销售了 175 台。在这一成功的基础上,他们于 1977 年 6 月推出了 Apple II,成为世界上首批非常成功的大规模生产的微型计算机产品之一。 1977 年 4 月,戴纳-雷丁顿在史蒂文斯溪大道上的 "美好地球大厦 "拜访了史蒂夫-沃兹尼亚克--他以前的邻居,也是库珀蒂诺家园高中的毕业生,并演示了他编写的一些程序,之后戴纳-雷丁顿加入了苹果电脑公司。沃兹把达纳介绍给了迈克-马克库拉,后者立即为他提供了一份工作。他是公司的第一位应用软件工程师,负责为 Apple II 开发程序。雷丁顿回忆说:"我开发了几个演示程序,包括一个使用面部电极的免提眼控版'突围',以及一个受星球大战启发的程序,突出了 Apple II 的高分辨率彩色图形、动画、声音和自定义字体。沃兹向史蒂夫-乔布斯(Steve Jobs)展示了这个程序,但乔布斯不是程序员,当时并没有发现它的价值。 在 2013 年接受