Balthasar Moncornet (1600-1668): Album with twenty different etchings, a.O. 'Les…

Balthasar Moncornet (1600-1668): Album with twenty different etchings, a.O. 'Les bohemiens' by Jacques Callot (1592-1635)

Balthasar Moncornet (1600-1668) : Album avec vingt gravures différentes, e.a. 'Les bohemiens' de Jacques Callot (1592-1635) Oblong. 20 pl. A.o. paysages dessinés par Paul Bril.


Balthasar Moncornet (1600-1668): Album with twenty different etchings, a.o. 'Les bohemiens' by Jacques Callot (1592-1635)

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