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BOGDAN GOTTFRIED VILLEVALDE (WILLEWALDE) (1819 - 1903) The Emperor Alexander II and the heir Nicholas Alexandrovich during the parade of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment

BOGDAN GOTTFRIED VILLEVALDE (WILLEWALDE) (1819 - 1903) The Emperor Alexander II and the heir Nicholas Alexandrovich during the parade of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment signé en cyrillique et daté 'G. Villevalde 1875' (en bas à droite) huile sur carton 35 x 44,5 cm peint en 1875 BOGDAN GOTTFRIED VILLEVALDE (WILLEWALDE) (1819 - 1903) The Emperor Alexander II and the heir Nicholas Alexandrovich during the parade of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment

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BOGDAN GOTTFRIED VILLEVALDE (WILLEWALDE) (1819 - 1903) The Emperor Alexander II and the heir Nicholas Alexandrovich during the parade of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment

Estimation 40 000 - 50 000 EUR
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