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RARE DISQUE DING GLAZED MOULEDED NINE-LOBED DISH 金代 定窯系印花龍紋花口盤 China, Jin dynasty crisply moulded to the interior with a dragon amid stylised, surrounded by four dragons pursuing one after the other, the foliate rim decorated with flowers, covered in an even pale white glaze. D.20.2cm

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RARE DISQUE DING GLAZED MOULEDED NINE-LOBED DISH 金代 定窯系印花龍紋花口盤 China, Jin dynasty crisply moulded to the interior with a dragon amid stylised, surrounded by four dragons pursuing one after the other, the foliate rim decorated with flowers, covered in an even pale white glaze. D.20.2cm

Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 EUR

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Frais de vente : 25 %
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En vente le mardi 25 juin : 11:00 (IST)
dublin, Irlande
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