Null A new and accurate Chart of the Bay of CHESAPEAKE, (...) the rivers PATOWMA…

A new and accurate Chart of the Bay of CHESAPEAKE, (...) the rivers PATOWMACK, PATAPSCO and NORD-EAST, ... from those of Anthony SMITH pilot of St Mary's (...) VIRGINIA and MARYLAND, London, 1776. GRANDE CARTE gravée en noir Robert SAYER et Johnn BENNETT, 94 x 142 cm Entoilée d'époque, brunissures


A new and accurate Chart of the Bay of CHESAPEAKE, (...) the rivers PATOWMACK, PATAPSCO and NORD-EAST, ... from those of Anthony SMITH pilot of St Mary's (...) VIRGINIA and MARYLAND, London, 1776. GRANDE CARTE gravée en noir Robert SAYER et Johnn BENNETT, 94 x 142 cm Entoilée d'époque, brunissures

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