
VISSCHER, Claes Jansz Comitatus Flandria. Amsterdam C. J. Visscher [c. 1621-1633] Engr., 45,5 x 55,7 cm (traces of central fold). Mounted on paper. Hinged at upper edge. Under passe-partout. Derived from a map published by van Langren in 1595, Claes Jansz Visscher added borders to create one of the most beautiful 17th-c. carte-à-figures-style map of Flanders. Decorated with 12 city views (a.o. Ghent, Bruges, Douai and Lille), 3 plans (Ijsendijk, St-Kathelijne and 't Sas), the portraits in medaillon of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella, the coat of arms of Flanders, and 8 costumed figures depicting a couple of nobelmen, civilians, farmers and fishermen. 2nd state with decorative borders (and 6th state overall). Verso not visible. Very nice copy. Ref. Koeman III Vis [24]. - Schilder MGN VI: 61.6.

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VISSCHER, Claes Jansz Comitatus Flandria. Amsterdam C. J. Visscher [c. 1621-1633] Engr., 45,5 x 55,7 cm (traces of central fold). Mounted on paper. Hinged at upper edge. Under passe-partout. Derived from a map published by van Langren in 1595, Claes Jansz Visscher added borders to create one of the most beautiful 17th-c. carte-à-figures-style map of Flanders. Decorated with 12 city views (a.o. Ghent, Bruges, Douai and Lille), 3 plans (Ijsendijk, St-Kathelijne and 't Sas), the portraits in medaillon of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella, the coat of arms of Flanders, and 8 costumed figures depicting a couple of nobelmen, civilians, farmers and fishermen. 2nd state with decorative borders (and 6th state overall). Verso not visible. Very nice copy. Ref. Koeman III Vis [24]. - Schilder MGN VI: 61.6.

Estimation 800 - 1 000 EUR

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En vente le samedi 29 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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