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8 stereoscopic views. C. 1900 Vintage silver prints, captions in English, studio credits on the cardboard. Sites, views, animated scenes and type portraits: "A maze of the down-shooting roots of the Banyan Tree", "An Elephant "Siesta", basking in the sun in their native home", "Nature’s riches in the "land of spicy breezes - tropical fruits of Ceylon", "Beautiful work from crude tools-native Goldsmiths at work", etc.

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8 stereoscopic views. C. 1900 Vintage silver prints, captions in English, studio credits on the cardboard. Sites, views, animated scenes and type portraits: "A maze of the down-shooting roots of the Banyan Tree", "An Elephant "Siesta", basking in the sun in their native home", "Nature’s riches in the "land of spicy breezes - tropical fruits of Ceylon", "Beautiful work from crude tools-native Goldsmiths at work", etc.

Estimation 80 - 100 EUR

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Frais de vente : 30 %
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En vente le vendredi 28 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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