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31 stereoscopic views. C. 1905 Vintage silver prints, studio credits on cardboard, captions on verso. Naval battle which marks the start of the Russo-Japanese War. Scenes of war, battlefields, shrapnel, hospitals, portraits of soldiers: "Return home after the war on a transport leaving Dalny for Japan", "Russian camps, meal time", "Underground Russian Mine explosion near the bottom of Antzushan", "The shattered remains of the Russian heroes killed near Port Arthur", etc.

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31 stereoscopic views. C. 1905 Vintage silver prints, studio credits on cardboard, captions on verso. Naval battle which marks the start of the Russo-Japanese War. Scenes of war, battlefields, shrapnel, hospitals, portraits of soldiers: "Return home after the war on a transport leaving Dalny for Japan", "Russian camps, meal time", "Underground Russian Mine explosion near the bottom of Antzushan", "The shattered remains of the Russian heroes killed near Port Arthur", etc.

Estimation 100 - 150 EUR

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En vente le vendredi 28 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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