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Nadar ; Carjat, Étienne

34 photos. 34 visiting cards, with ms. annotations on verso. Photographers, mostly from Paris: van Bosch, J.M. Lopez, E. Carjat & C., Nadar, Ch. Reutlinger, P. Petit, F. Mulnier, Ad. Braun & C., P. Berthier, E. Guérin, U. Grob, A. Libert, Franck and H. Guérard. Names of portrayed people, among others actors, singers, artists and politicians: François Judith Paul Grévy (1807-1891), known as Jules Grévy, French lawyer and politician who served as President of France from 1879 to 1887, Émilie Mily Meyer or "Mily-Meyer" (1852-1927), French soprano, Conchita Gélabert (1857-1922), lyrical artist and actress of Spanish origin, politician Paul Granier de Cassagnac, French novelist, publicist and journalist Edmond François Valentin About (1828-1885), French actress Anaïs Fargueil (1819-1896), Leontine Massin, and other performers of among others the Théâtre du Gymnase in Paris.

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Nadar ; Carjat, Étienne

Estimation 80 - 100 EUR

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En vente le vendredi 28 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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