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Obozinski, Yvan

OBOZINSKI, Yvan Tandonderhoud/ Eukalos// Pastei Poeder Elixir. Brussels Imp. J. E. Goossens [1928] Chromolith., 89 x 65 cm, signed in the lower right corner (some folds, sm. holes and strengthening pieces on verso). Advertisement for a toothpaste brand, evocated by the colours fulfilling its name, and figurating a smiling face in a style inspired by Art Deco. Joined: 9 posters, mostly about exhibitions, various technics and formats (most of them with some folds, sm. tears and strengthening pieces on verso): 1. Triumph. S.l., s.n., s.d. - 2. Reconnaissance Immédiate/ de la République/ Populaire de Chine. Liège, Maurice Delogne, [1963?]. La voix du Peuple, mentionned in a corner of the poster, was a weekly newspaper published by the Parti Communiste Belge (1963-1967). - 3. Vrouwen/ stem/ voor Europa// Eerste Europese Verkiezingen: 10 juni 1979. Mariakerke-Gent, Vanmelle, 1979. - 4. Roata// "Éléments pour une cathédrale possible"/ 27 septembre - 15 octobre/ Galerie Jan De Maere & Ozenne. Paris, s.n., s.d. 68 x 40 cm (folds, some strengthening pieces on verso). - 5. Félicien Rops// Musée d'Ixelles/ Museum van Elsene. 48,5 x 24 cm. - 6. Cappiello/ 1875-1942// Paris/ Grand Palais/ 4 avril/ 29 juin/ 1981// Caricatures/ affiches. Paris, Spadem, 1981. - 7. From Ensor to Delvaux. Au Japon en 2001. - 8. 5*30 août 1982/ Briançon/ Chapelle des Recollets/ Exposition de peinture. S.l., s.n., s.d. - 9. Miró, Joan - Casino Knokke-Heist, 27/6-29/8/1971. (10 pcs)

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Obozinski, Yvan

Estimation 120 - 150 EUR

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En vente le vendredi 28 juin : 13:00 (CEST)
bruxelles, Belgique
Arenberg Auctions
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