[CARTE]. «Lot de 8 cartes de batailles et places fortes sur la guerre de Success…


«Lot de 8 cartes de batailles et places fortes sur la guerre de Succession d’Espagne» Le lot comprend 2 gravures de places fortes: «Mons the capital city of Hainault 1709» (38 x 48), "Aeth a strong frontier town in Brabant, taken by the duke of Marlborough in 1706» (36 x 47) et 6 cartes de batailles: « Plan of the town and castle of Lerida, with the approaches made before it by the french & spanish armies under the comand of the D. of Orleans during siege 1707» (36 x 47), «Plan of the Incampment of the allies at Prats del Rey under the command of Count Staremberg…» (45,5 x 38), «Plan of the line of Brabant forced july 18 1705…» (36,6 x 46,5), «Plan of the situation where the battle of Ramillies was fought may 23 1706» (36,5 x 47), «Plan of the battle of Oudenard fought july 11th 1708» (37,5 x 48), «Plan of the battle of Wynendale between troups of allies commanded by major Gen Webb..» (35,5 x 46).



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