Null NIEUHOF, Johan (1618-1672). Gedenkwaerdige zee en lant reize...Landschappen…

NIEUHOF, Johan (1618-1672). Gedenkwaerdige zee en lant reize...landschappen van West en Oostindien. Amsterdam: Jacob van Meurs, 1682. Scarce first edition, unfortunately lacking the geographical maps, of this description of the Dutch colonial territories in South-East Asia and South America by Johan Nieuhof, who travelled to Brazil from 1640 to 1649 before held a post in Batavia, present-day Jakarta, serving the West India Company from 1667 to 1670. The first volume on the East Indies illustrates with picturesque images towns and villages, the habits of the natives, exotic animals, and the customs of the Dutch settlers. The second work covers the world and missionary history of Brazil since its discovery by the Portuguese. Compared to the bibliography, our volume has reversed the order of the two parts. 2 parts in one volume, Folio, (318 x 200mm). Part I: 'Gedenkweerdige brasilaense' with 1 portrait of the author, 1 coat of arms, 1 double-page plate and 2 engraved plates outside the text, 9 illustrations in the text (missing title page and map of Brazil). Part II: 'Oostindien', typographical title page, 42 plates of which 26 double page, 24 illustrations in the text (missing 2 maps (pages 7, 107, 117) slightly browned). Contemporary full vellum binding, title lettered to spine in manuscript. Provenance: 'ex libris Quinti Scilii', eighteenth-century Roman antiquarian. (1)


NIEUHOF, Johan (1618-1672). Gedenkwaerdige zee en lant reize...landschappen van West en Oostindien. Amsterdam: Jacob van Meurs, 1682. Scarce first edition, unfortunately lacking the geographical maps, of this description of the Dutch colonial territories in South-East Asia and South America by Johan Nieuhof, who travelled to Brazil from 1640 to 1649 before held a post in Batavia, present-day Jakarta, serving the West India Company from 1667 to 1670. The first volume on the East Indies illustrates with picturesque images towns and villages, the habits of the natives, exotic animals, and the customs of the Dutch settlers. The second work covers the world and missionary history of Brazil since its discovery by the Portuguese. Compared to the bibliography, our volume has reversed the order of the two parts. 2 parts in one volume, Folio, (318 x 200mm). Part I: 'Gedenkweerdige brasilaense' with 1 portrait of the author, 1 coat of arms, 1 double-page plate and 2 engraved plates outside the text, 9 illustrations in the text (missing title page and map of Brazil). Part II: 'Oostindien', typographical title page, 42 plates of which 26 double page, 24 illustrations in the text (missing 2 maps (pages 7, 107, 117) slightly browned). Contemporary full vellum binding, title lettered to spine in manuscript. Provenance: 'ex libris Quinti Scilii', eighteenth-century Roman antiquarian. (1)

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