Null [MILITARIA] Collection historique des Ordres de Chevalerie civils et milita…

[MILITARIA] Collection historique des Ordres de Chevalerie civils et militaires, existant chez les differents peuples du monde. Paris: Aime Andre, 1820. Fine lot devoted to militaria and military orders. 4to, (272 x 215mm). half-title, allegorical title-page and 39 watercoloured plates outside the text (3 of which double-page) depicting the dress, insignia, and decorations of the orders (light wear). Contemporary blue boards (worn) [IN LOT WITH:] Biblioteca militare opera periodica ad uso de militari delle due Sicilie. Naples: Flauto 1794. 8vo, (193 x 120mm) 4 (of 6) volumes, volumes 2; 4-6. In fine contemporary bindings, gilt titles within border to boards [IN LOT WITH:] Ordenanzas de su magestad para el regimen. Madrid: Aritzia, 1728. 2 vols, 12mo (140 x 95mm) Full calf gilt binding (some wear). (1)


[MILITARIA] Collection historique des Ordres de Chevalerie civils et militaires, existant chez les differents peuples du monde. Paris: Aime Andre, 1820. Fine lot devoted to militaria and military orders. 4to, (272 x 215mm). half-title, allegorical title-page and 39 watercoloured plates outside the text (3 of which double-page) depicting the dress, insignia, and decorations of the orders (light wear). Contemporary blue boards (worn) [IN LOT WITH:] Biblioteca militare opera periodica ad uso de militari delle due Sicilie. Naples: Flauto 1794. 8vo, (193 x 120mm) 4 (of 6) volumes, volumes 2; 4-6. In fine contemporary bindings, gilt titles within border to boards [IN LOT WITH:] Ordenanzas de su magestad para el regimen. Madrid: Aritzia, 1728. 2 vols, 12mo (140 x 95mm) Full calf gilt binding (some wear). (1)

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